Living Life to the Full


'Living Life to the Full' is our vision for you. By the end of this coaching experience our goal is that you will be living a life that you enjoy more, where you are thriving in the various areas you operate and are on track to become a significant influencer.



12 x 12

Group coaching

A combination of 6 individual coaching sessions and 6 group sessions alternating over 12 months. This package is special as you get to work towards your unique goals, receiving personal input, but you also get the encouragement and support of the other 11 women in your group.

For costs, more information or to sign up drop us a message via our contact page.

6 x 6

Group coaching

A combination of 3 individual coaching sessions and 3 group sessions alternating over 6 months. This package is special as you get to work towards your unique goals, receiving personal input, but you also get the encouragement and support of the other 5 women in your group.

For costs, more information or to sign up drop us a message via our contact page.



Individual coaching

As well as group coaching we offer 1-1 individual coaching. If this is something you’re interested in we will invite you to a free 30 minute consultation. On the back of this consultation we will review your goals and match you with the coach best suited to journey with you.

For costs, more information or to sign up drop us a message via our contact page.

Coaching Experience

Coaching day

Throughout the year we offer Empower Coaching days for a limited number of women. You don’t need to be accessing Empower coaching elsewhere to be able to sign up for these. Some of these days will be more generic life coaching and others will have a more topical focus. More information for any up and coming set coaching days can be found and booked via our contact page.


When I first heard about 12x12 my initial reaction was: ‘I already know quite a lot of stuff, I’ve had coaching before, I know how to set goals and I know a little about leading people, I’m not sure this course is for me.’ However, I’m so glad I went for it as this course has moved me a long way. I’ve become more peaceful, I’ve become more positive, I believe I now bring life into more situations than I was before. 12x12 is life-changing and it’s an opportunity that you can’t miss if you want to become the best version of yourself.


When I joined 6x6 I guess I had a lot of expectations. One of my main goals for the course was to find my voice. Through the last 6 months I’ve tried to find what my voice is and who I am as an individual rather than someone I’m trying to perform as. My coach has helped me discover the things that were holding me back and try to identify the things I need to work on. I now have a confidence that I don’t need to look like anyone else, I don’t need to copy what others are doing because there is something unique that only I can do. And so I think when it comes to finding my voice this has given me confidence that my voice counts, it might sound different to everyone else's but it is important and it needs to be heard. 


I chose to do empower coaching as I felt it was time to invest in myself. As a wife, a Mum and a business woman I’ve invested so much in those areas I felt it was time for me to invest in myself. My coach and I have been looking at different areas that I can thrive in more and I’ve seen this happen so much already and I’m only half way through 12x12. I’m so grateful for the encouragement and direction I’ve received that are helping me hit the goals I’ve set just for me.


I really wanted to sign up for coaching because I wanted a deeper level of purpose, vision and much more intentionality in my life. My coach has become my number 1 cheerleader and it’s given me a far greater sense of confidence in everything I’m called to do. I’ve got a greater level of assurance across all that I’m doing which is fueling my purpose and vision.